Wednesday, 23 April 2014

23rd April 2014.

greylag S10
Woodpigeon S10
Red Kite S1
Sparrow Hawk S1 N1
House Martin S1
Sand Martin S1
Yellow Wagtail S1 N3
Swallow S45 N7
Crow S136 N65
Jackdaw N8
Magpie S11
Goldfinch S22
Linnet S73
Little Egret 1
Whimbrel 6
Bittern 1
Buzzard 1
Marsh Harrier 2
Sandwich 1
Common tern 1
Seal 6
Chinese Water Deer 1
6.50 to 10.00am-S.W.1-Cloud 1/8-Visability 12,000m.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

17th April 2014.

Curlew S8 N2
Red Kite S1
Sparrow Hawk S2 N1
Stock Dove N2
Swallow N8
Stonechat S1
Crow S197 N72
Rook S5
Jackdaw S5
Magpie S15
Jay N2
Linnet S80 N21
Goldfinch N1
Common Crane 2
Oystercatcher 3
Nightingale 2
Red Deer 2
Seal 400+
7.00 to 10.00am-Cloud 5/5-Wind S.W3-Visibility 12,000m.